Umrah Journey: Things To Do Before Leaving And While Traveling

Before beginning their Umrah journey, devotees should spend time in the remembrance of Allah and his Messenger. embrace loved ones, ask for forgiveness and request their dua.

The Umrah pilgrimage is a very important part of a Muslim’s life. Umrah can be performed at any time of the year, unlike Hajj, which has to be performed during the five days from the 9th-13th of  Dhul Al-Hijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim lunar calendar.

In the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, more than 750,000 pilgrims travel to perform the rites of Umrah or Hajj every year. It is every Muslim’s dream to see the home of God, Kaaba, at least once in his/her lifetime. The experience of performing this pilgrimage leaves a life-transforming spiritual change in a Muslim. Therefore, before going to Umrah, there are a lot of spiritual and mental preparations to make that will help you in your journey to the house of Allah.

Before Leaving for your Umrah Journey

1. Seek forgiveness from kin

Umrah is a journey for the mind, body and soul. It has a lot of personal and social relevance in Islam and therefore there is a lot of joy and excitement among the families of pilgrims. Family, friends, and relatives help the person going for Umrah in many ways. They help them plan their journey, arrange all the essentials they would need for the trip and create an atmosphere of calm, homeliness, and peace.

Aspirants ask for forgiveness before the Umrah journey for any wrongs/ hurtful actions done in the past. They spend time visiting their neighbors, friends, mentors, and teachers for this. It is an opportunity to clear grudges and bid them farewell before the pilgrimage. Also, it is suggested to make duas for all of them while performing Umrah in Makkah.

One of the popular duas when leaving home for Umrah that one can make for their family and friends is,

Dua: Astawdi’ukumu-llaha-lladhi la taḍi’u wada’i’uh – Ibn as-Sunni (506), an-Nasa’i (508), and al-Futuhat (5/114). Ibn Hajar states that this is a ḥasan hadith

What it means: I now leave you to be in Allah’s care, the almighty who ensures that nothing entrusted to Him is lost.

2. Pay Zakat

Zakat or charity is one of this important pillars of Islam. If you are preparing for Umrah, it is important to perform all duties that are expected of and obligated upon the intending pilgrim. Helping those in need through charity, in the form of food and donations is one of the important deeds to perform while intending to be a guest at Allah’s house at the Kaaba, Makkah.

3. Perform Salah and recite Dua

Salah and duas are said for varying purposes and with many different intentions. For those going for Umrah, it is suggested to pray for their safety during the journey. Pilgrims must perform two rak’ahs of salah as they leave from their home. Scholars suggest choosing from a few Surahs intended at the well-being of pilgrims while going for and coming back from the Umrah pilgrimage.

After the prayer, make dua for a smooth trip, requesting Allah’s assistance and blessing throughout the journey. Some of the suggested prayers one must recite at the doorstep while leaving are:

Dua: Allahumma ilayka tawajjaht, wa bika-‘taṣamt. Allahumma-kfini m hammani wa ma la ahtammu lah. Allahumma zawwijni-t-taqwa wa-ghfir li dhanbi, wa wajjihni li-l-khayri aynama tawajjaht – Ibn as-Sunni (496) and al-Futuhut (5/11)

What it means: O Allah, to You I turn, and hold. Be my sufficiency, one that preoccupies me and also the one that does not. Forgive my sins, and always turn me towards the good and the pious.

Dua: Allahu akbar Allahu akbar Allahu akbar.
Subḥana-lladhi sakhkhara lana hadha wa ma kunna lahu muqrinin wa inna ila Rabbina la-munqalibun. Allahumma inna nas’aluka safarina hadha-l-birra wa-t-taqwa, wa mina-l-‘amali ma tarḍa. Allahumma hawwin ‘alayna safarana hadha, wa-twi ‘anna bu’dah. Allahumma Anta-s-Sahibu fi-s-safari wa-l-Khalifatu fi-l-ahl. Allahumma inni a’udhu bika min wa’tha’i-s-safar, wa ka’abati-l-manzari wa su’i-l-munqalabi fi-l-mali wa-l-ahl

What it means: Allah is the Greatest. Glory is to Him, who has provided us with this opportunity (for pilgrimage), which we could never have had with our own efforts. O Allah, we ask You for goodness and piety through our journey, and to make us do what pleases You. O Allah, make this journey easy for us and its distance quick to cover. You are our companion on the road and the One in whose care we leave our family. I seek refuge in You through this journey’s hardships, to save and protect us from the wicked sights, and also keeping our family safe upon return.

Exceptions for Pilgrims on Long Umrah Journey

Pilgrims often travel long distances to reach Makkah. Some fly across continents to complete their dream pilgrimage. However, traveling can leave one exhausted, and there are some exceptions that provide them some relief. In historic times, the pilgrimages were far tougher. Devotees often walked long distances to reach the holy mosque in Makkah to seek blessing of Allah. In modern times, travel might not be as long and strenuous, it is tiring nonetheless. That’s why, pilgrims are allowed a few exceptions that are applied as soon as one leaves the boundaries of his/her hometown. Let’s understand them in detail.

Praying during Umrah Journey: If you are praying alone, you can shorten Asr, Isha and Maghribsalah from four rak’ahs to two rak’ahs. However, the same cannot be applied to Maghrib and Fajr Salah. Pilgrims must continue to perform salah during Hajj or Umrah unless they are in the city for more than 15 days.

You can also combine prayers. The practice of combining two prayers within one prayer time is called Jama’. This is valid in the Shafi’i, Maliki and Hanbali schools of thought. It is not applicable to Hanafis.

Pilgrims can combine prayers in two ways – one at the time of the initial prayer (known as Jama’ al-Taqdim) and the other at the time of the latter prayer (Jama’ al-Takhir).

Fasting during Umrah Journey: If you are traveling, you may postpone or put off the Ramadan fasts.

Praying during a flight: During the journey through a plane, one must observe the necessary prayers without disturbing other travellers.

Ihram for those flying into Saudi for Umrah: Ihram is the holy state a Muslim must enter before performing the rituals to Umrah and Hajj. One can change into his/her Ihram attire before boarding the plane or in the plane and then make his/her intention to enter into Ihram upon approaching the Miqat.

Wudhu on plane: Before wearing Ihram, pilgrims may first perform Wudhu by washing their face, arms, both feet and more than one-fourth of the head.

Face the Qiblah: As it is important to stand while performing prayers, one must face the Qiblah and find the most appropriate location to pray while in a moving plane or train.

Salah on plane: And as for Salah, one can begin Magrib, Fajr and Isha by looking out of the window. Saudia airline offers a designated area for you to perform Salah whereas other airlines don’t. So, you can stand or sit in the prayer if there’s a space constraint or the plane is unstable. But, if you are unable to perform the prayers as per the norms, you can perform them again upon arriving at your destination. There are different opinions from scholars regarding the rules of praying on the plane, so it is advisable to take cautious steps and perform the prayers to the best of one’s abilities.

While this is the guide on what to do before going on Umrah journey, there is a lot more that is needed in terms of intentions and actions. This is a pious journey that needs all Muslims to have a clean heart and pure intentions. One should not indulge in any form of misconduct and violence. They must seek forgiveness and perform their devotees towards humanity and Allah. It is a journey that requires one to perform deeds of kindness and charity, and lead a life of righteousness. Saying your daily prayers, fasting, being humble and generous, are some of the important aspects of completing your Umrah journey successfully.

Rules Before Going To Umrah

Pilgrims are required to enter a state of Ihram, which is the combined sacred act of Niyyah and Talbiyah required to perform Umrah, before entering the sacred boundary of Makkah. Niyyah refers to the inborn desire to engage in worship, whereas Talbiyah refers to a specific prayer offered in supplication.A pilgrim must get ready for Ihram by taking the following actions, as prescribed by the Prophet (PBUH), in order to become a Muhrim (a pilgrim who has attained the state of Ihram):

1. It is preferable for Ihram to perform ablutions, or cleansing of the body to achieve physical purity, which includes some rituals that are required (Mushtahab) and others:

– (Mustahab) Ghusl

– Perfuming the head & beard. (Mustahab)

2. Trimming finger and toenails

– Shaving off the mustache

– Remove unwanted body hair by shaving

3. Putting on the sacred clothing, which consists of two-piece white Ihram sheets (Izar and Rida) for men and regular Islamic clothing for women. Both men and women should wear sandals or flip-flops that show the midfoot’s middle bones.

4. Making the two Rakats of Salah al-Ihram with the head covered.

5. Saying the Niyyah when the Miqat arrives

6. Reciting Talbiyah repeatedly while moving through the Miqat stations in the Grand Holy Mosque’s sacred perimeter until the start of Tawaf, then proceeding to Makkah for the final stage of the Umrah.

Umrah Journey FAQs

People should spend time with friends, family, teachers and mentors before leaving for Umrah. One should ask forgiveness for their past wrong actions and also offer duas.

Before performing Umrah and Hajj, every Muslim has to enter into a holy state known as Ihram. Ihram is also referred to as the prescribed clothes that one must wear upon reaching the Miqat.

Muslims aspiring to perform Umrah, should offer charity to poor and needy. The charity done is known as Zakat.

Wudhu is the act in which a pilgrim wash his/her arms, feet, face and more than 1/4 th of the head before wearing Ihram.

One can look out from the window of the airplane and offer Magrib, Fajr and Isha to perform Salah.

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